Lococast.net Episode 12 - cloudy with a chance of feedback
- Intro
- Events
- One month to PyCon! Sign up for sprints
- Linux Workshop NY State Loco - Feb 19th
- Ubucon pre - SCaLE 9x Cali Loco - Feb 25th Southern Cali Linux Expo
- Feb 17th, 10.04.2 due out
- Heads up, feature freeze coming Feb 24th
- Ubuntu Happenings
- Unity updates - Jorge's posts
- http://castrojo.tumblr.com/post/2927038461/unity-bitesize-bug-report-for-25-january
- http://castrojo.tumblr.com/post/3198857225/random-small-bling
- http://castrojo.tumblr.com/post/3202209062/progress-meters-quicklists-and-number-count-for-the
- Canonical Joins Openstack (6mo release cycle)
- Dell/Ubuntu cloud offering
- Diaspora/Facebook and the openness of social networking
- Books
- Extro
- Music