Lococast.net Episode 18 - Passwords, hashes, and Google+ oh my!

Jul 02 2011
Hashing the passwords

Lococast.net Episode 18 - Passwords, hashes, and Google+ oh my!


    - [Around the Oak by Drakum from Around the Oak](http://www.jamendo.com/en/album/90152) - [Sweet Mary by Moray Eel from Priest Hunter](http://www.jamendo.com/en/album/91599) - [Bye Baby by Patrulha66 from Revolution](http://www.jamendo.com/en/album/40514) - [Deteriorate to Gain by The Apocryphal Order from The Apocryphal Order](http://www.jamendo.com/en/album/88893) - [Bruises (Do It Wrong) by Unwoman from Unremembered](http://unwoman.bandcamp.com)

Lococast.net Episode 17 - Extreme Blabbermouth Edition

May 27 2011

Lococast.net Episode 17 - Extreme Blabbermouth Edition

http://www.flickr.com/photos/uncut/17446765/ Photo by tj scenes

Music in this Episode

Lococast Episode 16: Interview with Greg Grossmeier on Locos, Copyright, and Open Data

Apr 11 2011

Lococast Episode 16: Interview with Greg Grossmeier on Locos, Copyright, and Open Data

Craig and Rick take a trip out to Ann Arbor Michigan to chat with the Michigan Loco leader Greg Grossmeier. We chat about how starting up a loco has been.

We also get into his current work for the University of Michigan. Lots of information about their http://open.umich.edu program.

Next we chat about his internship and work at Creative Commons along with some great info on Open Data.

Finally, we wrap up with some talk of govenance, and what he meant in his blog post about the Banshee/Canonical kerfuffle

Other Links

Music: Ac33d by Micronaut from Transformer

Lococast Episode 15: Interview with Jason Smith about Unity

Mar 30 2011

Lococast.net Episode 15 - Interview Jason Smith about Unity

Lococast: Submit your Unity questions here!

Mar 23 2011

We need your help. Craig and I have spoken our concerns about what Unity means to the future of Ubuntu. Thursday March 24th, we'll be interviewing Jason Smith of Canonical who works on the Unity team. We'd like to know what you'd ask him if you got a chance.

  • How close are things to planned functionality for Natty?
  • What kind of testing is going on behind the scenes?
  • What types of users is Canonical targeting as the average Unity user?

Let us know what you'd like us to ask. Submit your question here in the comments or email the question to feedback@lococast.net.

Thanks for your help!

Pycon 2011 Sprints Interview: Michael Foord, Canonical, IronPython, and Python Mocking

Mar 21 2011
IronPython in Action

Pycon 2011 Sprints Interview: Michael Foord, Canonical, OS Split Personality, and Mocking

In our last in the series of interview from PyCon 2011, Lococast sits down with Michael Foord and talk about some of the cool things he's working on at Canonical, how the new version of his Python mocking library Mock is doing, and a little bit about what's going on with IronPython in a post-Microsoft sanctioned project era.


Pycon 2011 Sprints Interview: Chris McDonough from Pyramid Web Framework

Mar 16 2011
Pyramid: Not built by aliens

Pycon 2011 Sprints Interview: Chris McDonough from Pyramid Web Framework

Lococast sits down with Chris McDonough from Pyramid Web Framework at the Pycon 2011 sprints. We talk about what's brought around Pyramid 1.0, how the reception has been to the great work, and where Pyramid is looking to go from here.

Get a t-shirt from the online store.


PyCon 2011: Mike Pirnat Interviews John DeRosa - Busing USA

Mar 14 2011
Greyhound (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ryustar/2841582599/)

PyCon 2011: Mike Pirnat Interviews John DeRosa - Busing USA

Rick joins Mike Pirnat from the From Python Import Podcast to interview John DeRosa as he discusses his adventure tweeting his bus ride from Seattle to PyCon 2011 in Atlanta. What makes a crazy man do such a thing? What could possibly go wrong? Find out!

Music in this episode:

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